Paul Newman died today, September 27,2008 at the age of 83 after a battle with cancer. He was born on January 26, 1925 in Shaker Heights, Ohio. He was known for a great combination of being handsome, with steely blue eyes - and for being a great actor who starred in countless different roles and interesting characters. He was certainly one of the best actors in Hollywood for decades.
To honor Paul Newman's life and all he added to the history of film, tv and theater, we suggest you check out Bang the Drum Slowly, with a terrific Paul Newman live tv performance as Henry Wiggin, an ace major league pitcher. It also stars Albert Salmi as catcher Bruce Pearson and George Peppard as Piney Woods. We really liked this sad baseball story and the acting and live element made it exciting to watch.
Here's a few more short video clips that either feature Paul Newman, or have his name mentioned in the text description.
My hat's off to Paul Newman. I had a great deal of admiration for him, not only as a good actor, but also for his efforts to be a good man. He was quiet about it too. Which was refreshing and gracious of Mr. Newman. May God bless you and keep you safe.