Simone Signoret was born today March 25th in Wiesbaden, Germany, way back in 1921. Her acting career spanned four decades and she spent most of that time working hard. Simone Signoret won an Oscar for Best Actress in 1960 for Room at the Top. (sorry, I wish we had that movie too, but no). A few years before she played an amazing nasty mean girl in Les Diaboliques. Her acting range in this movie is scary. So good that you'll be very careful to ever trust a woman again.
Simone Signoret was married twice, the first lasted 4 years, but her second marriage to Yves Montand lasted till her death on September 30, 1985. And who is Yves Montand you ask. He was a very slick singer and was included in the first Europe to US satellite transmission via Telstar. He also starred with Marilyn Monroe in Let's Make Love in 1961. Rumor has it the two followed through on the title and had an affair during production. Forgive and forget, his marriage to Simone Signoret lasted till her death in 1985. Montand died November 9, 1991. In any event, Happy Birthday to Simone Signoret, a remarkable actress. Don't believe me? watch the movie Les Diaboliques and see for yourself.