Time again for Oscar Night, and all the beautiful people will be there. But part of what makes the Academy Award night so interesting, is all the previous years that went before.
LikeTelevision™ has a bunch of terrific former Oscar winners and nominees. For Best actor - check out Gregory Peck in To Kill A Mockingbird or Jose Ferrer in Cyrano de Bergerac. Plus great Oscar moments in time - 1956 when Ernest Borgnine in Marty beats our Frank Sinatra, Spencer Tracy, and James Dean. You can watch Sinatra in Man with the Golden Arm - great movie.
And who could ever forget Sacheen Littlefeather accepting for Marlon Brando. And Frank Capra, William Wyler and Orson Welles. Frankly - there's too many to mention. You might try searching for Oscar in the media library, or try this - a quick quiz... okay who's the lady in the first picture? She's an incredible costume designer. Here's a hint, Archie wife. Need more help? Here's the answer.