Elia Kazan was one of Hollywood's greatest directors and also known as a bit a rat for giving out names in front of the House Un-American Activities Committee. One of the names he mentioned was John Garfield, whose career took a dive after the hearings. Oddly enough, Garfield stars in a movie called They Made Me a Criminal.
But enough of the dark side, there's a ton to admire about Elia Kazan, including s2 amazing Marlon Brando movies - On the Waterfront and A Streetcar Named Desire. But a few years before that, He made this gem about political corruption, money and the legal system titled Boomerang. It stars Dana Andrews, Lee J. Cobb, and Jane Wyatt. Also look closely for the writer Arthur Miller (Death of a Salesman, The Crucible) who appears in the line-up of suspects for a few seconds. He was also married to Marilyn Monroe, after Marilyn and Jolting Joe DiMaggio broke up.
If drama doesn't do it for you, try some comedy. Check out a new arrival from The Addams Family called Lurch's Grand Romance, where Lurch (Ted Cassidy) falls in love with Morticia's old school chum, Tina Trivia. Morticia, played by Carolyn Jones speaks a lot of French in this episode.