As most of our regulars know, LikeTelevision has been hemorrhaging on the bleeding edge since fortran was the need to know computer language. Nope, there's nothing common about our gateway interface. Back when it wasn't cool, we declared ourselves as the first smoke-free web site on the planet. (If we had known we were depriving little kids in Oregon free healthcare we might have reconsidered, but we didn't know at the time). And unlike most major media outlets, we really try to be as unbiased as we can - offering no dogmatic punditry for fear we might enter into the hopeless catatonic state of a closed mind. (See the current political discourse for a better understanding of our fear). In any event, when we decided to become smoke-free, we were adamant in our need to provide an opposing view. So dear blog reading net denizens - you decide. You make the call. Will LikeTelevision be a smoke free site on the client side, or not. No hidden additives are transferred via server includes and crammed down in a hidden nicorette cookie. This little comedy bit has always been one of favorite clips at the site. Many thanks to the incomparable Bill Hicks for his acerbic wit.
In the event you are a smoker and looking to quit - we strongly recommend the books by Allen Carr. They worked for me. Smoke free for over 3 weeks now. Hey, back off. As Mark Twain once said, quitting smoking is easy. I have done it 1000 times.