LikeTelevision™ has a bunch of terrific former Oscar winners and nominees. For Best actor - check out Gregory Peck in To Kill A Mockingbird or Jose Ferrer in Cyrano de Bergerac. Plus great Oscar moments in time - 1956 when Ernest Borgnine in Marty beats our Frank Sianatra, Spencer Tracy, and James Dean. You can watch Sinatra in Man with the Golden Arm - great movie.
And who could ever forget Sacheen Littlefeather accepting for Marlon Brando. And Frank Capra, William Wyler and Orson Welles. Frankly - there's too many to mention. You might try searching for Oscar in the media library, or try this - a search for Oscar at Google, only LikeTelevision and images. Click that link... okay who's the lady in the first picture? She's an incredible costume designer. Here's the answer.